6" 50ply Treated Sewn Buffing Wheel
6" 50ply Treated Sewn Buffing Wheel
SKU: SKU:B352401
Description: Jeweler Buff.
Typical Application: Most commonly used by Jeweler’s in the manufacturing and finishing processes of jewelry and like items.
About: Jewelers’ buffs are small wheels buffs generally 6” in diameter and smaller. They can be made from either firm mill treated cloth for cut and polish work or soft untreated muslin and flannel for final finishing. Dip treatments are not common or recommended. Available in both loose construction or concentric sewn and the center is either treated with shellac or sewn with leather to help prevent overstretching in multiple mounts and dismounts. ¼” center hole is standard for use on a tapered spindle.
Sizes: Stocked in 4” and 6” diameter with a ¼” center hole. Other sizes may be available as a special order.
Precautions: Wear appropriate safety clothing, respiratory, and eye protection during use. Do not exceed maximum specified RPM.
Note: Industrial grade. Guaranteed for quality and performance.